Deccan Value was founded by Vinit Bodas in 2004 after a long and distinguished career leading investment management teams at prominent asset managers.
Deccan Value focuses on global stock selection. At Deccan, we use our appraisal of earning power and asset values to identify high quality businesses that are trading at an attractive price and mediocre companies selling at bargain prices. Deccan Value looks for situations in which we have a differentiated view while avoiding situations where we cannot form a strong appraisal of the business and its underlying value. Over the years, we at Deccan have been able to purchase companies at a discount due to a variety of different factors, such as company-specific issues, corporate change, or temporary problems, as well as broader sector, country, or macroeconomic distress. Historically, some of the largest global endowments, foundations, and family offices have invested with Deccan Value, and we strive to build and maintain long term aligned partnerships. At Deccan, we treat your investment as if it were our own.